Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Random Air Raid Article Compilation

Teaching a quarterback where to throw the football

Teaching a quarterback where to throw the football

Snag, stick, and the importance of triangles in the passing game

Snag, stick, and the importance of triangles (yes, triangles) in the passing game

Packaging three-step and five-step passing concepts into the same play

Packaging three-step and five-step passing concepts into the same play

Combining quick passes, run plays and screens in the same play

Combining quick passes, run plays and screens in the same play

The Air Raid Offense: History, Evolution, Weirdness

The Air Raid Offense: History, Evolution, Weirdness – From Mumme to Leach to Franklin to Holgorsen and Beyond

Pulling Linemen on Pass Plays

“A very wise coach once told me, ‘If you really want play-action, you better pull a guard’” — Andrew Luck and Robert Griffin III agree

Bill Walsh Drop Back Passing

Colts Deep Crossing Route

Colts Levels Play

Peyton Manning (and Tom Moore)’s Indianapolis Colts Offense: How a Handful of Plays Led to a Decade of Success

Peyton Manning (and Tom Moore)’s Indianapolis Colts Offense: How a Handful of Plays Led to a Decade of Success